About us

About us 

How does our life pass - looking for the right moment, in silent discontent or in action? It depends on every one of us right here and right now. The "Gen. Protogerov" foundation is inspired by the slogan: " Tomorrow begins today " and acts in this way. It shows us how to be architects of our " tomorrow " holding ourselves and our children responsible for it. 

"Gen. Protogerov" foundation is named after one of the Bulgarian activists of the liberation movement in Macedonia - a lieutenant - general and rebel Alexander Protogerov. A personality, who dedicated his life to the ideology, in which he believed. The foundation is named after him as a sign of respect to his patriotic deeds and determination to fight for uniting Bulgaria and its ethnic boundaries. 

Determination is the key virtue facing us life problems and giving us the courage to find their solution. The foundation activity is namely based on it. It directs us to take responsibility for our own future and that of our children. The future may be complete and fortunate following a few steps. They start with the word "humanity" because we all know that our quality of life depends on the purity of the relationship between us, goes through health care, yearn for knowledge and culture and protection of the environment, where we live. 


All these steps represent the aims of "Gen. Protogerov" foundation: